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Notes and Nullifiers

Private State

  • Talk about UTXOs

Fragmented State (Set)

  • Talk about how a state's 'value' can be fragmented across many notes.
  • Discuss how states can be updated in such cases.
  • Discuss how custom notes and nullifiers are possible
  • Give examples that aren't just 'summing values'.
  • Give examples of how custom notes gives builders flexibility, and enables compliant token designs.
  • Give example Noir syntax
    • Discuss the interface that will be expected of notes, by our Noir Contract stdlib state variable types
    • Discuss how decrypting, recomputing the note_hash, and recomputing the nullifier works.

Solid state (Singleton)

  • Talk about a state which always inhabits one and only one note.
  • Talk about initialisation nullifiers.

Custom Nullifiers

  • Talk about how we can have nullifier keys, which are siloed to one contract.
  • Talk about other examples of how Nullifiers are used
    • zk-nullifiers
    • signalling, like semaphore
    • see nice blog post which suggests other kinds of nullifier

Public Notes

  • Talk about how public state can also be stored in notes in the private data tree.
  • Talk about the design challenges we've encountered (given that such notes don't need to be trial-decrypted becuase they're public!), and how we're solving those.

Notes containing complex types

  • Talk about how we can 'squish' complex types into Notes.